Subway in Korea with kids
Korea is one of the most child friendly countries we’ve ever been to. Children are welcomed everywhere and doted on at every opportunity. A trip to Korea with kids means becoming accustomed to restaurant owners grabbing our baby and taking her so we can have a peaceful dinner, strangers asking to take photos of our family while giggling and...
Cheap Flights from Seoul to Jeju
I know we said Bingsu was Korea's best kept secret, but it might actually be the airline, Jin Air. Okay no, on second thought, nothing beats Bingsu, but Jin Air is definitely one of the best perks the peninsula of South Korea has to offer.  With flights as low as $15 you can take a domestic flight from Seoul to...
Riding an Elevator in Korea
Elevators in Korea are torture chambers. They are slow, they don't stop at the floor you want, the doors don't open or close on their own, and most importantly there is some unsaid hierarchy to riding them and operating them that we will never understand. If you know and recognize the evil schemes of Tyrone Rugen, Prince Humperdink's count from...
Our Perfect Family Day on Jeju Island
We were already sore from so much walking yesterday, but we managed to kick it up a notch today and ended with spending a perfect family day on Jeju Island. Thankfully, we all got a little more sleep. I swapped beds with Gabriel and took the twin bed with the baby. Sounds like a tight fit, but I pushed...
Exploring Waterfalls on a Jeju itinerary
A double bed and a twin bed is just not enough for a family of six. The twins took the floor mat, I took the double with the squirmy baby discovering her fine motor skills and Daddy shared with Eclair. I was up all night. Every time I heard a grunt, or a deep breath, or heard the bed...
Worldschooling on Jeju Island
Today was our last day in Korea’s Hawaii; a little paradise known as Jeju Island. We didn’t know before today, but Jeju Island played an integral part of the division between North and South Korea. In advance of our Korea DMZ Tour, and living here as temporary expats we wanted to spend some time worldschooling on Jeju to learn...