Shanghai Disneyland: Disney Parks Ranked
Shanghai Disneyland is spectacular. Located in the city of the future, the contributions and surroundings play together cohesively, and the modernity of the park is dramatic and alluring. This park comes in at #3 in our family rankings of every Disney park around the world. This truly is a park like no other, for some reasons you’d expect and...
Toy Story Hotel, Shanghai Disneyland, Mickey Mouse, Family Travel, Traveling with Kids
The Shanghai Toy Story Hotel at the Disney Resort is an easy and excellent choice for families. It’s priced competitively, located close to the parks, and offers a fun option when visiting the newest Disneyland Park.  ► Ranking: #cleandiaper Toy Story Hotel No.360 West Shendi Rd. Pudong New District, Shanghai, 201205, The People’s Republic of China +86-21-2099-8003 Reservations This value resort is one of two...
New Pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean, Traveling with kids, family travel, diapers on a plane, Jack Sparrow, Battle for Sunken Treasure, Barbosa, Kracken
The brand spanking new Disneyland in Shanghai, China is pretty amazing. You can read about our thoughts about the Disneyland park as a whole, but this post is just about the new Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Sunken Treasure Attraction. It is worth every penny you possess to go ride the new Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. In fact, they...